Keeping Our Focus
The Scripture is clear that God has called us to reach others with the gospel's good news.
Jesus has left us with a straightforward task: “make disciples” (Matt. 28:19-20). This should be a part of every church’s DNA that longs to obey Christ. The dynamic of a local church should pulse with “life on life” discipleship.
How can we, as Grace Bible Church, be sure this remains our focus?
I want to remind us of three keys that will help us stay faithful.
1) We all play a part in God’s redemptive work.
God has saved you to play a specific role within His divine plan. Each believer has a part to play in this beautiful story of redemption (Eph. 2:10). This truth is painted all over the Scriptures.
Esther was God’s chosen vessel to save His people from total inhalation (Esther 4:14).
Jeremiah, as a young man, was called and commissioned to be a prophet to his nation (Jer. 1:10).
Paul is another good example. God called him before birth to take the gospel to the Gentiles (Gal.1: 15).
God has us all placed right where He wants us to be. There are no mistakes in God’s plans. He has placed you in the right job, city, school, and church to play a significant part in God’s redemptive plans.
2) We must see discipleship as a lifestyle and not an event.
What must never happen in the church is for discipleship to become a slogan or cliché, not something we live out.
Grace Bible Church’s ministries are geared to facilitating “life-on-life” relationships through Home Groups, seasonal fellowship times, and evangelism and outreach events. These ministries will spawn personal relationships and move us all to loving, caring friendships that move us closer to Christ.
3) We must not get too comfortable.
The culture we live in today makes us all way too comfortable. When we become comfortable, this leads to complacency.
Jesus never said that following Him would be easy and not require sacrifice (Mark 8:34).
If we remain faithful to Christ, it means getting in the game. For many of us, this will mean getting dirty, sweaty, and maybe hurt.
Right now, the Lord is blessing our church with more impact by bringing new people to Grace every week, and this means we must be ready to be stretched and look to serving others (Phil. 2:3-6).
I know our church family (you and I) are happy to serve at church even as our current season of growth makes our church space feel smaller week by week. I praise God for this mutual joy in service, knowing His truth is impacting hearts.
All Glory to God,
Pastor Jason
Jesus has left us with a straightforward task: “make disciples” (Matt. 28:19-20). This should be a part of every church’s DNA that longs to obey Christ. The dynamic of a local church should pulse with “life on life” discipleship.
How can we, as Grace Bible Church, be sure this remains our focus?
I want to remind us of three keys that will help us stay faithful.
1) We all play a part in God’s redemptive work.
God has saved you to play a specific role within His divine plan. Each believer has a part to play in this beautiful story of redemption (Eph. 2:10). This truth is painted all over the Scriptures.
Esther was God’s chosen vessel to save His people from total inhalation (Esther 4:14).
Jeremiah, as a young man, was called and commissioned to be a prophet to his nation (Jer. 1:10).
Paul is another good example. God called him before birth to take the gospel to the Gentiles (Gal.1: 15).
God has us all placed right where He wants us to be. There are no mistakes in God’s plans. He has placed you in the right job, city, school, and church to play a significant part in God’s redemptive plans.
2) We must see discipleship as a lifestyle and not an event.
What must never happen in the church is for discipleship to become a slogan or cliché, not something we live out.
Grace Bible Church’s ministries are geared to facilitating “life-on-life” relationships through Home Groups, seasonal fellowship times, and evangelism and outreach events. These ministries will spawn personal relationships and move us all to loving, caring friendships that move us closer to Christ.
3) We must not get too comfortable.
The culture we live in today makes us all way too comfortable. When we become comfortable, this leads to complacency.
Jesus never said that following Him would be easy and not require sacrifice (Mark 8:34).
If we remain faithful to Christ, it means getting in the game. For many of us, this will mean getting dirty, sweaty, and maybe hurt.
Right now, the Lord is blessing our church with more impact by bringing new people to Grace every week, and this means we must be ready to be stretched and look to serving others (Phil. 2:3-6).
I know our church family (you and I) are happy to serve at church even as our current season of growth makes our church space feel smaller week by week. I praise God for this mutual joy in service, knowing His truth is impacting hearts.
All Glory to God,
Pastor Jason