We are now meeting at our new permanent location: 5257 Augusta Road, Lexington, SC 29072

Established By God

“For by Him all things were created” - Colossians 1:16 NASB

There is nothing in this life or the life to come that is not established by God.
Paul puts it this way, “For by Him all things were created” (Col. 1:16). This fact is not disputed among believers. We gloriously celebrate this reality.
In addition, we gladly affirm that all God has created has been created for a divine purpose. This is seen in the three institutions He created: the family, government, and the church.
Each of these bodies is created for a divine purpose. God gives life and meaning to each (Gen. 1:26-27, Gen. 9:5). For example, the family was created to populate the earth, the government was created to govern humanity, and the church was created to testify to the truth.
Obviously, there's more that could be said, but what is asserted by the Scripture and often forgotten by the church is that each one of these created bodies is given by God for His purpose and glory. There needs to be a fresh reminder concerning these three so that we can have a biblical view of each and, therefore, live our lives for God’s glory in each.
As we open this subject matter, I believe the Bible talks of these within the scope of God’s common grace and God’s special grace.

God's Common Grace

God’s common grace is what’s given to all of humanity. In Matt 5:44-45, Jesus tells believers to love their enemies, and then He says, “Be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” Jesus speaks of the weather as a common grace to all men (i.e., the saved and unsaved).
In the Old Testament, Psalm 19 is divided into halves by common grace (vs.1-6) and special grace (vs. 7-10). The psalmist says all creation is a common grace, and it functions as a grace through what it declares. “The heavens are telling the glory of God” (Psalm 19:1)
This grace of God is common, not because of its quality, but because of its extent.
The scope of common grace is limited but nonetheless powerful and needed. Paul pointed to God’s common grace in Acts 17:24-25. “He Himself gives to all people life and breath and all things.”


God’s common grace to the world is a blessing. Food, weather, health, His patience, and a host of other things God has given fall directly into this category of grace. This would include two entities God created: the family and government.
In the next Pastor’s Pen, we'll look at how these are part of God’s common grace.
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