We are now meeting at our new permanent location: 5257 Augusta Road, Lexington, SC 29072

The Sufficiency of the Bible

In this post-Christian culture, we have traded in biblical standards for a consumer mentality when looking for a church. We are not asking the critical questions like, “What does this church believe?” but asking, “Does this church make me feel good?"
Many well-meaning believers have been untrained in what to look for in a local church. From his contribution to the book Worship by the Book, Mark Ashton's quote nails the biblical apex of what to look for in a church, namely the preaching of God’s Word:

“We will not have Jesus Christ at the center of our church services if we do not have his Word at the center. It is the Word of God that brought the Church of God into existence, and it is the ministry of the Word of God that is the wellspring and center of the church’s life. The church, in its local manifestation, is the group of people who assemble around the ministry of the Word in a particular place. Our weekly meetings are for us to meet one another under the ministry of the Word of God.”

- excerpt from Worship by the Book by D.A. Carson, M. Ashton and R.K. Hughes
I remember growing up in Mississippi and seeing churches on every corner, and on any given Sunday, you could attend just about any of them, and you’ll find a common schedule: Sunday school, fellowship, worship, and children's and youth ministries. This trend has even continued into our day and time, but with a consumer’s mentality.
Are structure of ministries and programs and how a church makes me feel the litmus test to whether we attend or commit ourselves to a local assembly?
If we look to the Bible as our guide, we’d be shocked to see where it places the emphasis. This again shows us the Bible is enough for us as we measure what it is to do church and what worship is to be. Here are three brief points to consider:

The Centrality of the Word

In Acts 2:42, we are given the components of their worship: devotion to the Word of God, teaching, fellowship, breaking bread, and prayer. They had a great sense of community and belonging, which centered on the Word of God.
Then, in Acts 4:31, we find the early church filled with power by the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the Word of God with boldness. This church was not only edified by the Word of God but was filled with the power to spread the Word of God.

The Reading of the Word

The Pastoral Epistles give us clear instructions about what is to take priority in the Church.
Paul states in 1 Tim. 4:13, “Until I come, give attention to the public reading of Scripture, to exhortation and to teaching.” Paul’s greatest concern here is that they keep God’s truth as the focal point through reading, exhortation, and teaching.
Jesus Christ as the head of the church governs leads and loves the church only when the Bible is faithfully followed.

The Discipleship of the Word

Our views of the Scriptures will determine the type of discipleship we will participate in.
If we believe the Bible is sufficient for life and godliness, we will use God's Word to shape our discipleship. Jesus, in Matt 28:19-20, calls us to “make disciples,” which includes teaching others to observe all Christ has commanded.
Where do we find all that Christ commanded? Well, it is in the Bible!
As believers, we need to understand that the Bible is sufficient for the Church.
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